Longview Dream Center

About Us

About Us

About LDC

The Longview Dream Center is focused on providing basic needs such as emergency food, clothing, hygiene products, necessary household items including furniture, small kitchen appliances, dishes and more. These items help provide stability, emotional wellness, and a fresh start for individuals and families who are struggling to provide basic needs for themselves or their household. Our team loves to serve each client with personalized love and support based on the needs of the individual or family.


Our vision is to provide resources and life-changing programs to the people of Longview and the greater East Texas region. We provide free clothing, hygiene and benevolence assistance to those experiencing a hardship or crisis.


Our mission at the Longview Dream Center is to provide basic humanitarian needs, resources, and life enhancing programs to the people of Longview and the greater East Texas region.


The Longview Dream Center is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization with an active Board of Directors. We operate fully through the generous donations of individuals, business owners and corporations.

Help for the Hurting

Our world is in a state of crisis and constant change. The needs are overwhelming and continue to grow. We must take action to assist the needs of our community.

Financial Support

The Longview Dream Center is supported by the generous donations of individuals, churches, organizations and various businesses. We are also grateful for the hundreds of thrift store donors that help support our Finders.Keepers Thrift Shop with physical donations. Miscellaneous community grants also help support our programs and services special budget needs.


Tue-Fri 9 am to 5:30 pm | Sat 9 am-3 pm | Closed Sund and Mon

Volunteers and Support

You can help! Your volunteer efforts can make a difference. You can get involved by sharing your time, talents, and treasure to help meet the needs of individuals and families going through a crisis or experiencing a hardship. We are stronger by utilizing resources throughout the community to fill the gaps in service. It truly does take all of us!

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