Longview Dream Center

Policies & Procedures

Policies & Procedures

Benevolence Policies & Procedures

The Longview Dream Center has a heart to serve our community. We strive to be a resource to those experiencing an emergency or crisis. The purpose of our benevolence program is to provide assistance utilizing our programs and services which include free clothing, hygiene products, and financial assistance as funds are available through benevolence program.

Our Benevolence Program provides assistance for the following:

Additional resources may be available in certain situations and must be approved by our Benevolence Advisory Team.

The Longview Dream Center cannot give cash or write checks to individuals, per IRS regulations. All assistance must be written to a company or organization.

To apply for assistance, each household must complete the Longview Dream Center application for assistance form. A household may request assistance once per calendar year with a maximum assistance amount of $500 per household.

Benevolence policies are subject to be updated and changed periodically, based on resources and needs for our community.